Second Chance Wildlife


“Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all

living things, we will not find peace.”

Albert Schweitzer

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Why should you support Second Chance?

Here are eight good reasons

1. Second Chance operates under permits from the Colorado Parks & Wildlife and the US Fish & Wildlife Service. It is illegal in Colorado for unlicensed persons to possess wildlife – even for temporary care.

2. Wildlife requires specialized medical care and specialized species-specific diets to maintain optimum health. Animals cared for by unlicensed, untrained persons are put at risk for further injury, even death. At Second Chance animals are cared for by highly trained and skilled wildlife rehabilitators and animal care technicians.

3. Wildlife can carry diseases that are contagious to humans and pets. Unlicensed persons caring for wildlife put themselves, their families and pets at risk. The skilled wildlife rehabilitators and animal care technicians at Second Chance are trained to identify and treat zoonotic diseases.

4. Second Chance is an all volunteer organization. With no high-paid administrative staff, your donation goes directly to animal care.

5. Second Chance Wildlife Rehab Center has one of the highest release rates in the state of Colorado.

6. Second Chance is a 501c3 nonprofit. Your donation is tax deductible.

7. Second Chance Wildlife Rehab Center does not receive government money. Our wild patients rely completely on the generosity of others for funding of their care. The number of animal admissions to Second Chance varies each year, but averages 750 per year. It costs an average of $180 to correctly raise one baby bird and an average of $120 to properly raise one baby squirrel from birth or hatch to release.

8. As Gandhi said, " The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” At Second Chance we believe that wildlife rehabilitation is a very important aspect of community development empowering communities to express values of fairness, accountability and participation as well as promoting respect for all life.

You can make a difference! Join us in caring for Colorado’s wildlife. Donate or volunteer today!